I'd planned a repeat of the lemon linguine and the gooey chocolate puddings from the Fast Food chapter, based on the fact that two of my mates don't eat meat or alcohol, and that everybody seems to like chocolate. But stepping out of the house at 6:25pm into the sweltering heat, I realised that a 30 degree day is no day for hot chocolate puddings. So I changed it to a tropical fruit salad, which Nigella suggests serving with butterscotch sauce, from the Weekend Lunch chapter.
172. Butterscotch Sauce
When Dad and I got to Coles, I decided to only put good fruits into my fruit salad - mango, rockmelon, strawberries, pineapple and kiwi fruit. For too many years I've suffered the crap fruit salad - chock full of oranges and apples, with just a couple of strawberry halves for decoration. No longer! I wanted each bite to be filled with deliciousness, and no disappointing filler.
When I came home, I cut up all the fruits and stashed them in the fridge to get super cold. While cutting them up, I put the water on to boil for the pasta. Then I made the sauce, for which you just lazily stir everything together, before tossing it through the pasta.

Pasta on patio
It was such a lovely night that we ate outside... which was great, until we got devoured by mosquitos! Argh!
So we moved inside while I made the butterscotch sauce, and stayed there to eat the dessert. The butterscotch sauce is brown and caster sugars, golden syrup and butter, simmered for 5 minutes, then with cream and vanilla extract added. It smells great but is so super sweet! It was nice, but probably unnecessary, especially considering that my fruit salad was quite fantastic.

Fruit Salad and butterscotch sauce

Fruit Salad, vanilla ice-cream and butterscotch sauce
Best... Fruit Salad... Ever!
ey u kno who this is, from the wryting i rekn! lol...that was seriousli the best fruit salad i hav ever had...i even licked the screen wen i saw the pics of it, but it dint taste so good...lol...neways ur pretty hardcore with this syt, i lyk it..n u just ditched me on msn..so bye!...
ey thanx4the comment n u r ryt i kno who it is! who else cud it b?
haha i dint think ud botha 2 read this syt, ur so harcore man
n ey, i so didn ditch u on msn last nyt, ur crazi... i totally sed bye!
mm i lyked the fruit salad too
catch ... after exams... movie yeah...? u call mo n i'll call sandy
eyy i lyk how u put in the effort to wryt lyk me :D...but yer to sarahz frend who cudnt read dis, its fulli not that hard...i shud teach u 1 day...ok i better stop fukn up ur blog sarah...c u in da msn window...
eeyz 1 more thing, howz bout i call sandi and u call mo...haha..
eyyy there
fo shizzle... lets plan sum shiat so we can get bizzle on the sizzle dis sat nyt with the mo-man and the sand-chick...
catchya on da flipsyd in da msn window
n u do kno dat dis whole blog is Nigella Lawson recipes yea?
i know u think she's a totalli hot chick
i'm gonna copi our msn convo into a new blog post... my readers will find it well funni
ey domestic goddess sounds lyk from ur nik u got things sorted the way i lyk so hows bout i teach u how to lik sumn else besides the screen??...even tastes better than butterscotch ull luv it...
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